Sunday, June 21, 2009

He probado y visto que el Señor es bueno!

I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good!

We're back! God's blessings flowed over and around us so abundantly on this trip! We worked with a wonderful group of people, whose friendship and just who there are has already been a blessing in our lives! We drilled a well for the village of Campenaro Numero Dos, and successfully set-up a well for these beautiful people! We drilled on another well, which three other teams had worked to complete and we saw patience and endurance in the people of that village. Our interaction with the local people in the breath-taking country of El Salvador will stay with me always! We saw poverty and substanance living, but saw the joy in the peoples faces and experienced first hand their generosity!

One of my most intense experiences was watching Nelson, the native assistant driller, put his hand over the spout of the well, to charge it. The suction filled the pipes completely with water and it splashed out over his boots and onto the people around him. God has done this for me. He placed His hand over my life and I am re-charged and over-flowing!

There are so many memories and stories that Dave and I would like to share and will share as this week continues and we are able to process our experience. However, I am left with this, I am soooo very blessed! We were blessed by our friends and family before we left, we were blessed by our team-mates and the in-country team of natives while we were there, we were blessed by the people of the communities we were in who gave so joyfully and waited so paitently on God, and we return blessed! I have never felt so completely covered by prayers, as we did on this trip! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and prayed with us, who thought of us as we travelled this week, our church who prayed with us, those who prayed for the well and the people of El Salvador, muchas gracias! We felt them, and God was able to use us!

I would like to invite you all to First Baptist next Sunday! Our team, Hannah, Barb, Dave and I will presenting a report on our trip! Please come!

God first opened my eyes to the below scripture while I was working at Bear Trap Ranch. It was written in a notebook in the horse barn, where I was a wrangler. I have meditated on it for 7 years, through a hard Wyoming drougth, and a personal drougth. Our team leader, Brandon, used it one morining in El Salvador during devotions. What a blessing to see this promise fullfilled in some many ways.

"The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the Lord will answer them; I, the God of Isreal, will not forsake them. I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water,and the parched ground into springs....So that the people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the Lord has done this...."

Isaiah 41:17-18, 20a


  1. Thanks for sharing! Wish we could be there next Sunday! Is anyone going to take a video?

    We'll look forward to hearing more of what the Lord is doing and seeing more pics too!


  2. Thanks for your insight, Dave and Sarah! I find myself struggling to write my stories for the LWI Web site and for the Budget...let alone my own blog. I have writer's ADD...but your thoughts have helped me focus a bit. I loved serving with you two!
